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How To Live A Healthy Lifestyle

(Both physically and mentally!)

A consistent healthy lifestyle is always something that I have always struggled with, but I am getting better at it. I fought as a junior in Muay Thai growing up so I was always weight conscious. The weight wasn’t always lost in the right way as I had to be obsessed with getting down to the correct fight weight. (I had to lose 5kg in 2 weeks.)

However, since then I have developed so here are five ways to live a healthy lifestyle that I use now. And they work!

(Warning: This article may include affiliate links where the writer may earn commission.)

1. Go to the gym/do your home workout BEFORE work

The first way I live a healthy lifestyle is by going to the gym before work. It makes you get up early in the morning, ready for the day; and it gets it out of the way. It always puts me in a good mood when I have finished my work out because I feel fresh.

I usually work out for 30/45 minutes in the morning. At the moment, I am still getting back into my fitness. (My aim is to lose 10kg before summer!) So, at the moment my morning workout consists of a 2.5km run; 5 minutes on the step machine; weights for arms and legs; then I finish with some sit ups. It is a great feeling coming out knowing that you are making progress towards where you want to be.

2. Weigh yourself regularly

Even though you don’t want to become obsessed with losing/putting on the weight (if that is what you are doing!) you need to be able to healthily weigh yourself. Weighing yourself once a week will help you to keep track of your progress and encourage you to keep going.

I have recently purchased some scales from Amazon which are working well and helping me to lose weight. I only bought some for £10, so it is that cheap! Here is the link to the scales if you are interested:

3. Get enough sleep

I can’t stress enough how important this is. I used to go to bed around 11.30/12am every night but woke up in the morning feeling horrible. I now go to bed at 10pm, wake up at 6am and feel amazing. Nothing is better than a good night sleep.

Whether you need an eye mask, need ear plugs, or earphones to listen to music. Stop scrolling on your phone and relax. I use an eye mask and use earphones to listen to music before bed. Here are links to where I got mine from:

The eye mask is so comfortable to sleep in. I don’t know how I would be without it! It lets me escape from everything else before I go to bed. You cannot see anything and feel so relaxed! It is even comfortable enough to keep on the whole night. You would not regret getting this one!

These are just normal ear plugs but they work so well! I would honestly recommend getting some to help you sleep.

4. Have good company

This may seem like a weird one to put on here, but having good company really makes the difference to a healthy lifestyle.

Surround yourself with people who are going to encourage you to do the best you can and strive to achieve. Don’t get dragged down by people who are willing to settle for whatever. YOU can do it, YOU can live better!

5. Do something that will mean something to you each day

The last point is an important one. You could do everything you wanted to look great and feel great physically; but this means nothing if you are not looking after yourself mentally.

I make sure to do something every day which has a meaning. This could even be smiling at someone or speaking to someone in the workplace who you wouldn’t usually speak to. This will make you feel better for speaking to someone who you wouldn’t normally, and them feel good that someone else is making an effort with them.


It is SO important to look after your well being. I have been having such a hard time recently in balancing my life so that I feel good in myself. But by following these steps, in the case of a week, my life has become better.

I cannot stress enough, you need to start NOW. It is now or never, so do it and push yourself. It is the best decision that I made for myself and I would never go back on it. I feel better mentally and look better physically.

This is your life, so live it to the fullest.

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